Monday, February 1, 2021

Acting Like a 12-Year-Old and Proud of It

The #1 hit on the week of your 12th birthday defines your life. 

This is a silly Facebook game. My answer is "Papa Don't Preach" by Madonna.

Though I don't take stock in the cheesy answers to these offbeat games on social media, I still think it's amusing. 

I turned 12 in 1986 (Please don't do the math to figure out how young I still am). Though I did listen frequently to "Papa Don't Preach" back in the day, the musical impact it had on me pales compared to that of the Bangles. I got Different Light on cassette for my 12th birthday. As any 12-year-old would do, I played that so much. I'm surprised I didn't have to get another copy.

Over the years, I kept toying with what updated format to get it in. The last I checked, YouTube had only the videos of the hits. I then considered the following ways:

(1) Find the tape, but I know it's nowhere in my house; it's...somewhere.

(2) Order the CD on Amazon. 

(3) Get it on vinyl.

(4) Download it on Amazon Music

I know I'll get nowhere with option #1 and don't see the feasibility of option #2. For reasons I won't disclose, I can't physically go to a local record store right now to hunt for the vinyl copy. 

That left me with option #4, which I satisfied a little over a week ago.

The moment I heard this album for the first time in a long time, I felt like I was 12 years old all over again. Though, like the rest of you, I don't care to be that age all over again. But I'll take the music from the 80s any day. Finding this gem, as well as many others on Amazon Music, has relieved tension and uncertainty in a personal situation. I need as many moments as I can to think back to when life was a bit simpler, the music was awesome, and the sky was the limit to what I could dream.

I loved how I still remember all of the words to all the songs, especially to the two in the above pictures. And I've sung them with the same enthusiasm as I had back in the day.

Music and headphones on, world off. A good friend reminded me of that a few days ago. What did I do? I downloaded "In Your Room." It feels good in my room (ie, office) because I've let the world out. Nothing ever made me crazy like this.

Well, I've been crazy-busy writing each morning this past week. I've picked back up on writing The Unknown Beautiful Missing Piece. It's only gotten better now that I have Different Light (among other albums and songs) in my Amazon Music repertoire, as I wait out my current situation.

I've made up my mind...I like The Bangles more than Madonna.

I also made up my mind this past weekend when I played a similar funny game, What Your Favorite 80s Band Says About You  In spite of a very long list of names from the 80s, I chose The Bangles. What my eternal flame of love for their music says about me: You have chewed gum while delivering a keynote speech or eulogy.

Therefore, if I deliver either of those in the future, and you see my jaws moving a little bit more, please understand I'm doing that because I am a lifetime Bangles fan. {Laughing}

P.S. I'm still thinking about Stone Solid. I do believe that's the longest work in progress I've had. Over the past few months, I've looked more into how to write better. There's something about listening to all-female bands that will help me with the plot. 

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